Your Host
I was bow hunting on our hunt
club land when I saw this 10 point
coming my way. I stopped the buck with a
grunt about 35 yards out and he  gave me the
perfect shot. I would have easily passed on this
buck but our club rules do not manage bucks.
It was a great opportunity for me to take
my 1st buck of the season. The
buck weighed 145 lbs.
with a 10 point rack.


Your Host
I was hunting on our hunt club,
in a tripod box stand I built. This small
rack 6 point stepped out about 75 yds. in a
road bed. I was using my 50 cal. Remington
muzzle loader. The buck weighed 130 lbs.


BJ and I were hunting on a private farm
on opening day gun season. They were deer
already in the field when we arrived at our stand.
It was 30 minutes before sunrise and you could see
the deer with binoculars. BJ seen a 5 point he wanted
to take out of the herd because of bad genes. I was
suppose to be filming when BJ took this 5 point buck,
unfortunately I forgot to hit the record button. About
30 mins after sun rise I was able to catch BJ on
film while he took the doe. Both deer weighed
130 lbs. It's  a good start for gun season.
BJ was hunting out of his box stand at our
club when he saw this nice 8 point step into his
food plot. Then BJ said after he drop the 8 point in
his tracks, he looked up and the 4 point was entering
the food plot. The 8 point weighed 175 lbs and the
4 point weighed 125 lbs. BJ looks to be very
happy since this was his 4th deer
this season. Congratulations
on your hunt BJ!

BJ was hunting on a farm he has been
managing for about 7 years. This is an awesome
8 point. The buck weighed 175 lbs. BJ said he placed
Golden Estrus doe scent in front of his ladder stand.
He heard something coming and saw the buck
moving straight toward the scent when he
took the shot. The buck fell in his
tracks. Thanks for the photo BJ
and congratulations on
your trophy.

Your Host
I was hunting out of a Box stand
on a field where we had planted the edge
and the lower section with buck forage oats.
It was getting dark when I thought I saw
a doe come into the food plot. I took the
shot and found I had taken this 5 pt.
The buck weighed 115 lbs.

BJ was hunting on a friend's
property in Anderson SC on 11/26/08.
BJ said he was watching a gas line right-of-way
when he saw a deer step out. He said it looked
like a doe when he took the shot but it turn out
to be a button head. He said there still was time
to sit awhile longer. After a few minutes this 7
point came in grunting where he placed Golden
Estrus doe scent on a tree limb. The buck
weighed 140 lbs. Thanks for the photo
BJ and congratulations
on your hunt.

Your Host
I was hunting on our hunt club
in BJ's box stand. It overlooks a food
plot that BJ planted on a power line. When
around 5:30 PM this cow horn buck walked
out. The buck weighed 140 lbs. I want to
thank BJ for letting me hunt his stand.

BJ Holliday
Chester Dottry

BJ, Chester and I were hunting on a farm
owned by Chester Dottry in Anderson county
South Carolina. Chester has an awesome place
to hunt. He planted several food plots with well
placed deer stands. BJ was hunting out of a
nice tripod stand watching a bottom food
plot when he heard this 8 point step into
the food plot. BJ and I would like to
thank Chester for inviting us to go
hunting with him on his farm.

Your Host
I was hunting out of a Box stand
this afternoon watching a food plot BJ
and I have taken several deer from already
this season. A front was moving in and I was
hoping the deer would move early. I got in the
stand at 3:00 pm and around 4:15 three
deer came into the food plot, after
watching them for about an hour
I decided to take this doe.
She weighed 120 lbs.