BJ Holliday
BJ took his son Bryson hunting  
with him and as he was placing his
decoy he saw a hen walk into the field
so they set up on the edge of the field and
started to call when another hen and 2 jakes
came in. BJ said Bryson who is 5 yr.'s old said
shot daddy and the rest is history he got both
jakes  and Bryson had his dad take his photo
with the 2 jakes.They both weighed over 15
lbs with 5 inch beards and one had three
beards.Congratulations BJ & Bryson on
your hunt. Thanks for sharing the pic.

Your  Host
I was hunting on our hunt club
when 2 jakes came running to my calls.
I took the biggest one for my freezer. I was
happy to get my first turkey of the season.
The jake weighed 13 lbs 2 oz. with a six inch
beard. Hope to get me a long beard this
season, been a long time since I took
my last one.



Paula Payton
Paula and her husband Brent
went hunting on opening day when
they called up this nice gobbler. The tom
weighed 19 lbs with a 10 1/2 inch beard and
1 inch spurs. Congratulations on your hunt
Paula! Thanks Brent for the photo.

Buster Holdbrooks
Buster saw this tom in full strut
on a field on our hunt club, and did a
sneak attack. He was down before he new
what hit him. Great hunt Buster! Congratulations.
His gobbler weighed 18 lbs. with a 9 & 3/4 inch
beard and 1 inch spurs. Thanks for the pic
Buster, hope to see more soon.

Danny Payton
Danny was hunting on private land
in Anderson county SC when he called
in these 2 jakes. One weighed 11 lbs 4 oz.
with a 6 inch beard, the other one weighed
12 lbs 2 oz. with a 5 inch beard. This was
Danny's first double. Congratulation
on your hunt Danny!


Max Ford
Max was with his Dad TI & BJ Holliday
on his Dads hunt club when they called in
several hens and Jakes, when this awesome
long beard showed up. BJ film the hunt and
said he had some great footage. I hope to put
the video here soon. Max is 9 years old and
has already taken two birds last year. I just
wanted to say congratulations to max on his
hunt and to thank TI & BJ for sharing Max's
youth hunt with us. Max's turkey weighed
19 lbs and had an 11 1/2" beard with 1"
spurs! Not bad for his 3rd bird!